Design Problem
To create an ad campaign that markets Hermes luxury goods and reaches a new target audience. The challenge lay in integrating Hermes’ product line into Van Gogh’ iconic artworks while preserving the integrity of both brands. 
The design solution had to  strike a delicate balance between homage to Van Gogh’s artistic vision/ style and showcasing Hermes’ products in a compelling manner. 
The aim was  to expand Hermes’ client base to include art enthusiasts and individuals with an eye for creativity and works of art.
Design Solution
I began the design process by delving into the works of Vincent Van Gogh to gain an understanding of his distinctive style, color palette and artistic style. I also analyzed Hermes’ product line to identify elements (accessories) that could be incorporated into Van Gogh’s artworks. I experimented with color harmonies, composition and coherence.
Expansion Kit
In terms of the expansion of the ad campaign, I experimented with different poster and mural styles as well as full page ads in magazines and catalogs to visualize how the ad campaign would appear in real-world environments. Hermes also has very distinctive plain solid orange colored shopping bags and boxes (with simple black border). Due to the nature of Van Gogh’s timeless artworks, I experimented with using the artwork on Hermes’ shopping bags and boxes.
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